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Thursday, January 2, 2020

Distance Education Means Online Education - 812 Words

To most people in the 21st century, distance education means online education, the use of the Internet to create a computer-based learning connection between instructor and student (Larreamendy-Joerns Leinhardt, 2006). In today’s increasingly technological world, nearly 70% of top academic leaders agree that online learning is part of the academic world’s future, and as of 2013, nearly 1/3 of higher education students were enrolled in an online course (Kentnor, 2015). Although distance education’s rapid evolution began alongside the growth of technology in the late 1990s, the history of distance learning goes back much farther than modern technology. First distance learning The first educational occurrence that can be viewed as distance learning occurred in the 18th century. Caleb Phillips took out an advertisement in the Boston Gazette that offered shorthand lessons. Phillips’s idea was to send lessons via the Postal Service, which some view not as actual distance education because a lack of two-way communication. Regardless, the basic principle of distance learning was present (Kentnor, 2015). As cited in Kentnor (2015), according to Verduin and Clark (1991), the first real distance educator was Issac Pitman, who taught shorthand by correspondence via mailed postcards in 1840. Students mailed their work back to Pitman, thus establishing the first true distance education. This method continued from the 19th to the early 20th century, as desire for a collegeShow MoreRelatedDistance Education : Education And Education1422 Words   |  6 PagesDistance education provides many benefits for the students, faculty, and universities who utilize t hem. For students, it provides more flexibility for their schedules, the ability to work at one’s own pace, and improves their familiarity with job-friendly technology. It also allows them to receive an education while simultaneously being employed in a full-time job elsewhere—whether that be maintaining a career or caring for a family. Distance education also keeps teaching staff at peak performanceRead MoreThe Distance Learning Program Is Not A New Instructional As It Has Really Been Since The 1700s?1746 Words   |  7 PagesDistance-learning program is not a new instructional as it has really been since the 1700s. However, traditional education styles that the teacher standing in front of a classroom is still the mainstream of education at the present. Distance learning has a satisfied and limits faced by teacher but it focuses on student’s requirements and have to use computer and Internet to communicate between learner and teacher. In term of traditional e ducation are related with experience teaching for example,Read MoreThe Internet Impact On Education1362 Words   |  6 Pagesyet what is more supreme the swiftest means of communication. In other hands, The Internet has brought extreme impacts to the education system worldwide in schools, colleges, universities and institutions. It does leave a great impact on education thereby causing many benefits aspect most of which have become a necessity in today’s education system. The Internet has vast impact on education from primary schools to higher education and universities. The education system has more practical, digital,Read MoreOnline Learning Vs. Online Education1372 Words   |  6 PagesOnline education is growing in popularity as more colleges and universities offer alternative enrollment programs. While there may be advantages and disadvantages of online learning. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially for those who may face obstacles in pursuing a colleg e education. Online education can be an alternative means to classroom instruction. Online instruction allows students to have a flexible schedule while taking college courses. Moreover, flexibility and convenienceRead MoreOnline vs Traditional Learning Essay1723 Words   |  7 PagesOnline degrees are becoming an ever more trendy method to receive a college education and many students are switching to online education due to the quality of material, ease, and the level of flexibility in distance education programs. Recently, the internet has developed into a reliable capital of information for college seekers. Everything from applying for financial assistance to taking a course can be done online. Now, a student can even obtain online degrees from one of many schools offeringRead MoreEvaluation Distance Learning On Campus Learning972 Words   |  4 PagesLeibash, E. article, Evaluation Distance Learning in Health Informatics Education they talked about the purpose of academic pe rformance that was taught between distance learning and on-campus learning. In today’s world, many people are taught through distance learning from colleges and universities. Russell, B. et al. (2008) express if students really are taught the same information, as one would learn in a classroom. The article compared research on the study, is distance learning as effective as on-campusRead MoreThe Education Of Distance Education929 Words   |  4 PagesToday when one hears words like online learning or distance education, thoughts of digitized content, and images of different types of technological media frequently come to mind. However, traditionally it has been revealed that distance education is actually not a new phenomenon at all. Historically speaking one could actually uncover that distance education was practiced in the United States in the form of correspondence schools as early as the eighteenth century. In fact, one of the firstRead MoreOnline Courses A Better Way Of Learning Than A Traditional On Campus1638 Words   |  7 PagesOnline classes are quickly becoming a popular option for college students. Although being around since the mid-90s, it has taken off over the past few years. It can be a beneficial alternative to on-campus classes. Institutions are trying to make it more convenient for students to get their degree. Some of the people who can benefit from online classes are students who live far from their college, have children, have jobs, or are disabled. People in this era are already on the internet for the majorityRead MoreThe Effect Of Readiness Level And Social Presence On The Online Learning Environment Essay1065 Words   |  5 Pages In this chapter, related literature is reviewed; particularly several studies have demonstrated the effect of readiness level and social presence in the online learning environment. In this chapter shows related opinions of pervious researchers and they support the aim of the current study.it is guided by the objectives as outlined in chapter one and will establish differed opinions, theoretical approach and how the entire literature relates this study. The use of secondary sources such as publishedRead MoreApproaches to Visual Communication809 Words   |  3 PagesVisuals can serve a function beyond embellishing a written document, leaflet, or brochure they can also communicate very key ideas. It is believed that the human brain picks up visual cues more directly than written ones (Mueller et al, 2011). This means that imagery should not be overlooked in planning an effective communication. For example, in order to grab someones attention, clever visuals can help cut through advert ising clutter and convey a product message quickly and efficiently. Similarly

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